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[Also Known As]Fishing Fire
[Composed]Nakada Hiroyuki - Shakuhachi

Isaribi appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Koto - Music of the One-String Ichigenkin
Isaribi is one of the masterpieces of Ichigenkin music. Meaning "Fishing Fire, " it derives from an ancient Japanese poem by Kakinomoto Hitomaro in the Manyoshu, an anthology reflecting Japanese life in the 7th and 8th centuries.

Isaribi elaborates on the original verse and emphasizes the experience of sudden enlightenment.

The waves lingering about the fish-weir stake:
In the River Uji
Can be heard so clearly.

The murky fires on fishing boats
Draw nearer to shore
With the approach of dawn.

From the Byodo temple
The bell tolls-
Awakening us from a delusive dream.