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Yukari no Tsuki


[Composed]Tsuruyama Kōtō - Shamisen

History (Tomiyama Seikin II):

The moon of Karma

A composition by Turuyama Koto (active in the mid-18th century). It is characterized by its beautiful melodic contours and flexibility of rhythm and tempo. The text narrates a courtesan's sad mental state. While watching the moon, she is lamenting that she has to separate from her lover and to marry another man because of her poverty.

Yukari no Tsuki appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 7 (続三曲合奏大全集7) Shakuhachi : Koie Jōzan
Voice : Kawase Hakushū
Shamisen : Kawase Hakushū

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 14 Voice : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I
Play ButtonTomiyama Kiyotaka's World Voice : Tomiyama Seikin II
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin II
The moon of Karma

A composition by Turuyama Koto (active in the mid-18th century). It is characterized by its beautiful melodic contours and flexibility of rhythm and tempo. The text narrates a courtesan's sad mental state. While watching the moon, she is lamenting that she has to separate from her lover and to marry another man because of her poverty.

Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 8 Voice : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko
Kokyū : Mori Yūji